Samstag, 06.07.2024

Dow Jones surpasses the 40,000 mark

Tipp der Redaktion

Katharina Berger
Katharina Berger
Katharina Berger ist eine erfahrene Journalistin, die mit ihrer präzisen Recherche und ihrem Engagement für soziale Themen überzeugt.

The Dow Jones Index has crossed the 40,000 point mark for the first time, driven by strong corporate data and speculations of an imminent interest rate cut by the US Federal Reserve. The record rally in the US stock markets continues, and the pace at which new milestones are being reached is accelerating.

In early trading, the DAX fell by around 0.2 percent to 18,730 points. Producer prices decreased by 3.3 percent in April compared to the previous year. The first interest rate cut is expected in early June. The minutes of the Fed’s monetary policy meeting are also expected in the US. In the Asian stock markets, investors have taken cover after a positive start to the week.

A consolidation of the DAX is considered appropriate as it is considered ‚technically overbought‘. The central bank aims to ease its monetary policy, and hopes of interest rate cuts by the US Federal Reserve have recently supported rising prices. Declining interest rates have a supportive effect on the stock markets. Investors are eagerly awaiting the minutes of the US Federal Reserve meeting to assess the timing and extent of potential interest rate cuts later this year.

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